HIBAR Research Alliance webinar: Aligning Open Science with Promotion and Tenure Guidelines

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Hosted by: HIBAR Research Alliance

It has long been recognized that transparent and accessible knowledge enhances scientific integrity and enables greater participation by collaborators outside of academia. However, promotion and tenure guidelines often do not reward open science practices, which often prevents faculty members from pursuing research projects for the public good. 

The University of Maryland’s Department of Psychology tackled this problem and, in April 2022, adopted new guidelines that explicitly codify open science as a core criteria in tenure and promotion review. The successful adoption of this new policy presents an opportunity to push for enduring systemic change, to ensure that incentives for advancement reflect the values of faculty members and their institutions.

Webinar speaker Michael Dougherty championed and led a multi-year effort to develop and implement new guidelines that explicitly codify open science as a core criteria in tenure and promotion review. He will describe the approach that was taken to adopt the new policy, aimed at empowering faculty members to do research in the way that they want to do it, and on the topics that energize them.

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