Event Date
Are you currently researching or thinking about researching the LGBTQIA community?
From Abbey Berghaus, Kait Murray, and Chloe Brotherton
"We’d like to gauge interest in a peer group for LGBTQIA grad students, undergrads, faculty, and/or staff who are currently researching or thinking about researching the LGBTQIA community. Please read the following description and respond to this email if you are interested in participating—
As a queer person researching the LGBTQIA community, I find myself facing unique challenges and experiences that come with being an “insider.” For example, my participants often talk to me like a therapist or best friend, and I regularly field questions about my own sexuality and intimate relationships. I know that I’m not the only person with these experiences. We’re hoping to meet semi-regularly (e.g. anywhere from once per month to once per quarter), and we are extremely flexible on what we talk about and how we structure these meetings. Our top priority is creating a space where queer folk can bond and commiserate over the process of doing “insider” research.
We are hoping to schedule a 1-hour Zoom meeting in late November or early December to introduce ourselves and casually discuss the future direction of this group. If you’re interested, please send an email to Abbey Berghaus, Kait Murray, and/or Chloe Brotherton and mark your availability on this when2meet. If you’re unavailable this quarter but would like to participate in future meetings, please let us know!"