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Be a part of the NPR Student Podcast Challenge: College Edition
We're inviting college students around the country to create a podcast — about anything you want! — and compete for a chance to have your work appear on NPR.
Here's how it works: Put together a podcast with your friends, your club, or by yourself and submit it to us.
This contest is for students pursuing an associate's or bachelor's degree. There is no age restriction! Each podcast should be between three and eight minutes long.
The winning podcast submissions will be featured in segments on NPR's Morning Edition or All Things Considered.
Guidelines to remember
- The contest is open to students at 2-year or 4-year colleges in the 50 states and Washington, D.C.
- Podcasts must be between three and 8 minutes long.
- Entries must be created specifically for the Contest.
- Entries can include original music — in other words music that is originally composed and recorded. But be careful! Our contest rules make clear that you must be respectful of copyright and trademark laws, and our legal team is really serious about this. See the rules for the exact details.