Thank you for your interest in applying for the UC Davis and UC Davis Health Community Partner Recognition Grant Pilot Program Application.
I acknowledge that the information provided in this application is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I agree to provide a final report describing how funds were used, and participate in the evaluation of the community partner compensation pilot. I understand the listed community partners will be contacted to participate in the evaluation process as well.
All faculty, students and staff involved in or supported by PSE and HEDI programs are expected to abide by and support the UC Davis Principles of Community. In the event that a participant is found to have violated University policy impacting the integrity or effectiveness of programs funded or supported by PSE or HEDI, such funding and support is subject to revocation. Furthermore, if a participant is found to be under investigation for a purported violation of University Policy, interim measures including suspension of funding, support, co-sponsorship, or awards may be implemented as needed.