A study published today in the journal Frontiers in Sustainability by the University of California, Davis, sheds light on the lengths alternative energy providers go to bring electrical power to customers.
Environmental Policy and Management seeks client partners for policy analyses or natural resources management group projects
Environmental Policy and Management (EPM) Policy Clinic student teams conduct policy analyses or natural resources related projects for client partners.
UC Davis Assistant Professor Rebecca R. Hernandez and Grodsky are exploring where renewable energy can best coexist with wildlife, biodiversity and the environment to achieve overall sustainability
Coronavirus stay-at-home orders that went into effect on March 20 have reduced vehicle collisions on California roadways by roughly half, according to a UC Davis survey that is the first to estimate the impact of the extraordinary health orders on traffic.
Professor Benjamin Houlton, director of the John Muir Institute of the Environment and champion of the One Climate Initiative says carbon farming is the key to help solve climate change. His mission is to counteract a simple, startling fact: A single carbon dioxide molecule remains in the atmosphere for more than 100 years, locking us into climate change in the future.