School of Medicine

Making Prosthetics More Lifelike

David Brockman, a retired CalFire captain and avid outdoorsman, built a deck in the backyard of his home last year, without the use of his dominant right hand, which he lost in an accident. The prosthetic hand he used instead was a crude but functional steel hook-and-harness device.

Wellness Check

Burnout. It is a word that has been on the lips of everyone in the academic sphere in recent years. 

Public Scholar for the Future Student Alice Dien Wins 2022 UC Davis Grad Slam with Revolutionary Drying Research

Biological Systems Engineering Ph.D. student Alice Dien was this year’s winner of the UC Davis Grad Slam, a Public Scholarship and Engagement (PSE) co-sponsored event that occurred on April 6. Dien’s winning research presentation “Cooling Down with the New Hot Air: The Future of Drying in Agriculture” earned her a $2,500 prize for first place, as well as the PSE’s Public Impact Prize.