Delta Water and Where to Find It: Water Injustice in California's San Joaquin Valley
"More than two-thirds of California’s failing water systems are located in low-income, disadvantaged communities that primarily exist within the San Joaquin Valley, south of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. This project focuses on the water justice issues that affect communities reliant on Delta surface water exports.
Between California’s 500-mile coastline and scenic mountain ranges lies the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta (Delta), California’s largest estuary. The Delta supplies drinking water to 30 million residents and is the center of the state’s water conveyance systems that carry water from northern regions of California towards the more arid, southern regions of the state. Despite this approximately one million Californians lack access to clean drinking water. Our research explores this disconnect to find out how communities south of the Delta experience water justice issues related to Delta water exports."
Read the full story at Environmental Policy and Management News