Isleton Pilot Project Tests a Community-Based Flood Insurance Program That Could Speed up Disaster Relief
"ISLETON, Calif. — A new community-based flood insurance pilot program in the Sacramento River Delta hopes to more quickly connect residents with aid in the event of a flooding emergency.
Community leaders in Isleton are using grant money from the California Department of Water Resources for the project, officials announced Wednesday.
The $200,000 in funding will allow city leaders, in partnership with UC Davis doctoral candidate Kathleen Schaefer, the Isleton Geologic Hazard Abatement District (GHAD) and other state agencies to test if a community-based flood insurance program could work in flood-prone communities like Isleton as a supplement to private insurance.
The initial funding is slated to last for two years. As of now, residents do not need to sign up to be a part of it."