Public Scholarship and Engagement Closing June 30

Due to the financial challenges facing the University, the Office of Public Scholarship and Engagement will be phased out by June 30.

Quote from Gary S May, PhD that says "The days of ivory towers must end. Town-gown collaborations are more crucial than ever if we are to solve society's greatest challenges.” On the right is Gary S May’s headshot.

No University Is an Island: How to Foster Town-Gown Partnerships for Impactful Outcomes

Universities must collaborate with businesses, communities and government to tackle society’s grand challenges locally and beyond

"The days of ivory towers must end, particularly within research universities. Town-gown collaborations are more crucial than ever if we are to solve society’s greatest challenges.

When we consider how to prevent or mitigate future pandemics, address climate change or find sustainable ways to feed a growing planet, universities face complex challenges that require collaboration on a global scale. We recognize that solutions require engagement with many stakeholders and coordinated responses with local, national and international entities. In our local communities as well, we’ve seen government, universities, businesses and communities increasingly joining forces to tackle these grand challenges at the local scale. These practices further reveal that universities have an opportunity to lead these collaborations through good relationships, transparency and open communication."

Read the full story at Elsevier

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