Marmot stand up on rock looking out on Sierra mountains under blue skies
A yellow-bellied marmot looks across a Sierra Nevada landscape. (Aviva Rossi/UC Davis)

Sierra Squirrels Find Their Niche Amid a Changing Climate

Climate Change Not the Only Important Thing for a Species’ Niche

"As the climate changes, many species are expected to adjust where and how they live. Some are expected to seek cooler elevations as it warms, but what happens to species already at the top of a mountain? A study of squirrels living in California’s high-elevation Sierra Nevada indicates that climate is only one factor to consider when trying to predict where an animal will make its home in a changing world.  

The study, led by the University of California, Davis, is published in the journal Ecology and Evolution and was conducted in alpine regions stretching nearly 200 miles from Alpine County just south of Lake Tahoe, along the spine of the Sierra and south to Tulare and Inyo counties."

Read the full story at UC Davis News

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