Students wearing masks in Kemper Hall showcase their air filters
Students in the AvenueE and LEADR programs participated in a Corsi-Rosenthal box building competition on Feb. 16, 2022 in the Kemper Lobby. Supplies were generously sponsored by the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Texas Instruments. (Katherine Hung/UC Davis)

UC Davis Engineering Students Compete to Build Corsi-Rosenthal Air Purifiers

"The halls just outside the Leadership in Engineering Advancement Diversity and Retention (LEADR) Student Center in Kemper Hall radiated with energy and creativity.  During a friendly design competition, held on February 15, undergraduate engineering student teams gathered to build Corsi-Rosenthal air filters. 

The halls just outside the Leadership in Engineering Advancement Diversity and Retention (LEADR) Student Center in Kemper Hall radiated with energy and creativity.  During a friendly design competition, held on February 15, undergraduate engineering student teams gathered to build Corsi-Rosenthal air filters."

Read the full story at College of Engineering News

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