Maciel Hernandez

close up of a woman looking forward in front of a plain background

Position Title
Assistant Professor

  • Human Ecology
  • College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

Research Interests and Expertise

Guided by theory emphasizing the dynamic roles of context and culture in development, three themes encompass her research program on the education and development of young children from Latino and immigrant backgrounds. The first research theme focuses on the development of Latino/a/x children, with attention to cultural contexts and processes. The second theme examines how self-regulation and emotions exhibited in school (i.e., how children express and regulate their emotions) predict children’s academic and socioemotional adjustment. The third theme examines how social relationships with teachers and peers predict academic outcomes, particularly for those at risk for academic difficulties. Collectively, she investigates children’s emotional, social, and academic experiences across development with a focus on Latino/a/x children and highlights diversity in development. 
