Public Scholarship and Engagement Closing June 30

Due to the financial challenges facing the University, the Office of Public Scholarship and Engagement will be phased out by June 30.

Larissa Carmel Saco

Larissa Headshot

Position Title
Graduate Student Fellow

  • Public Scholarship and Engagement

What I Do 

As a Graduate Student Researcher at the Office of Public Scholarship and Engagement, I primarily work on research-related tasks such as literature reviews and data analysis. I am currently working on two projects: a literature review on faculty motivations for pursuing public scholarship, and a landscape scan of university-wide public engagement initiatives.

More About Me

I am a PhD student in the Department of Sociology at UC Davis. In addition to my role at Public Scholarship and Engagement, I work as an Instructional Design Graduate Student Researcher for Academic Technology Services. Before coming to UC Davis, I worked in K-12 program evaluation at MDRC, a social policy research organization. My current research examines institutional intersections between nonprofit, government, and private sectors in the fields of health and education


  • M.A, Sociology, UC Davis (Expected June 2020)
  • B.S., Sociology, Occidental College

Research Interests 

Education; Health; Organizations; Program Evaluation; Social Stratification
