Public Scholarship and Engagement Closing June 30

Due to the financial challenges facing the University, the Office of Public Scholarship and Engagement will be phased out by June 30.

What is Public Scholarship

What is public scholarship?

Public scholarship is broadly defined as research, teaching, and learning that has an impact for publics beyond the university. It exemplifies impactful research, teaching, and creative practice that focuses on issues of public concern. It is useful to and developed in concert with diverse audiences beyond the university. 

At UC Davis, we see this work as being broad and inclusive of different forms of scholarship that vary by discipline and types of scholarly activity. This includes academic scholarship that aims to have a positive public impact through research and creative activity, teaching and learning, equity and leadership. It could also be scholarly activity that has impact at different scales to improve the well-being of individuals, communities, and the planet.

We consider public engagement to be the many ways individuals and groups engage one another to listen and learn, share and create knowledge that aims to be publicly impactful and mutually-beneficial through purposeful action.

The three primary roles of Public Scholarship and Engagement are to:

  • Champion public scholarship that advances the university’s production of knowledge, learning, and leadership.
  • Convene individuals and groups to build relationships, partnerships, and networks. 
  • Connect communities to university resources through research and student learning experiences, technical assistance and training, workshops and events.