group of students watching a woman point into grass

Public Scholarship and Engagement Closing June 30

Due to the financial challenges facing the University, the Office of Public Scholarship and Engagement will be phased out by June 30.

How to Apply for the Program

Participation Guidelines and Application Details

Participants commit to a series of six meetings, each approximately three hours, between January and June 2022. The meetings are scheduled for the following Fridays from 123 p.m.

  • January 21 (in person*)
  • February 18
  • March 18
  • April 15 (in person*)
  • May 13
  • June 10 (in person*)

*Meetings will be held remotely, with the potential of meeting in person on the UC Davis campus three times

UC Davis is committed to making its programs accessible to persons with disabilities. If you need an accommodation to participate in this program because of a disability, please contact with information regarding the requested accommodation or include the information in the program application.

As part of the program, each CEL Faculty Fellow commits to:
  • Modifying an existing course or designing a new course with a community-engaged component; teaching the new or revised course during the 2021-2022 or 2022-2023 academic year;
  • Being engaged in building relationships with the community partner(s) including meeting with community partners as part of course preparation, implementation and evaluation;
  • Writing a short blog post for consideration for the Public Scholarship and Engagement website during the term of the CEL Faculty Fellows meetings (Jan-June 2022), or an equivalent public-facing communication piece;
  • Presenting their experience as an instructor of a community-engaged learning course to their respective department/school, or a similar setting, within the following year. For example, we would encourage presenting at the annual Center for Educational Effectiveness Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference.

CEL Faculty Fellows that complete the program will receive one-time Academic Enrichment Funds of $1,000. Fellows will receive the support at the completion of the CEL Faculty Fellows meetings, and submission of the required blog post. Fellows are required to prepare for and attend every meeting. Those who miss more than one meeting will not be eligible for the Academic Enrichment Funds.

In turn, Public Scholarship and Engagement commits to:
  • Planning and facilitating the CEL Faculty Fellows program meetings;
  • Identifying readings and resources about the development of community-engaged learning courses;
  • Providing individual curricula consultation related to community-engaged learning course development;
  • Facilitating connections with community groups (as requested);
  • Assisting with publicity for public presentations on this work (as requested).

Application requirements

  1. Applications due: November 8, 2021
  2. Complete the CEL Faculty Fellows application form, including a confirmation of eligibility requirements.
  3. Upload the most recent syllabus of the course you plan to revise or a summary of your proposed new course.

Selection Criteria

The selection criteria include: 

  • A well-conceived and clearly-defined rationale for community-engaged learning
  • A well-defined plan for teaching the course in the next academic year
  • A description of the development of a collaboration with a community partner
  • Addressing how community-engaged learning will work synergistically with efforts to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion

Academic Enrichment Funds

All participants who complete the Community Engaged Learning Fellows Program will be provided access to a $1000 fund that will be available to pay for approved expenses such as instructional materials, technology-related materials, tools that will directly support course redesign and transformation, or travel to community partner locations. These funds must be used in accordance with enrichment fund guidelines.

These funds are not compensation for the Lecturer/Faculty Member, and will only be used to reimburse for expenses approved in advance. All materials procured through this program are the property of the University of California, Davis and are to be used for official University business.

Fellows will submit a proposed budget upon completion of the program. The budget needs to include a clear rationale for how expenses apply to classes applicants are teaching (currently or prospectively). A budget template will be provided.

Applications are closed.
If you have any questions about the program, please contact us.