group of students watching a woman point into grass

Public Scholarship and Engagement Closing June 30

Due to the financial challenges facing the University, the Office of Public Scholarship and Engagement will be phased out by June 30.

Community-Engaged Learning Faculty Fellows

About the Program

The Community-Engaged Learning (CEL) Faculty Fellows program seeks to acknowledge, reward and support exemplary individuals who are eager to incorporate community-framed problems and questions into their classrooms. These leaders recognize the value of student learning experiences outside the classroom that address issues of public concern. 

While community-engaged learning courses may take different forms, they all:
  • Addresses a community’s specific need or common goal;
  • Are typically done in collaboration with a community partner (i.e., an organization, group, or individual(s) that comes from a community you’re working with);
  • Connect community issues with course content; and
  • Include ongoing and documented reflection as an educational practice.

The CEL Faculty Fellows program aims to support individuals working to fully integrate this learning approach into existing courses and new curricular experiences. Some of the questions the program will address include: How can students be prepared to engage responsibly and thoughtfully with community partners? How can relationships be built with community partners that are mutually beneficial? How do we assess student learning in community-engaged learning environments? How does community-engaged learning work towards goals of diversity, equity, and inclusion?

Through the CEL Faculty Fellows program, Public Scholarship and Engagement will provide concrete tools and facilitate opportunities for faculty to create and improve community-based student learning experiences that will help cultivate and foster a culture of engagement at UC Davis. This program is particularly well suited for faculty who are starting, or exploring, this work. CEL Faculty Fellows that complete the program will receive one-time academic enrichment funds of $1,000.


Public Scholarship and Engagement seeks applications from Academic Senate members, full-time, non-represented Academic Federation members, and/or Unit 18 Continuing Lecturers from all UC Davis schools and colleges, who teach degree-seeking students.

For Unit 18 applicants: an active appointment as a Continuing Lecturer is necessary for participation. Pre-6 Unit 18 applicants are not eligible, due to the timing and structure of this program. 


Participation Guidelines and Application Details