Hands holding up planet Earth.
Grand Challenges at UC Davis is making progress in many of its focus areas. (Getty Images)

Big Wins for the Campus in the Grand Challenges’ Wicked Problems Focus Areas

"Grand Challenges at UC Davis is making significant progress in its fight against the world’s “wicked problems,” including an expansion of its leadership team and funding for new research centers.

Paul Dodd joined Grand Challenges in December as associate vice chancellor in the Office of Research, working alongside Vice Provost Jonna Mazet.

Together Dodd and Mazet are advancing the campus’ transdisciplinary collaborations, strategically uniting and catalyzing the university’s strengths around the world’s wicked problems. The initiative has a rapidly growing list of achievements that bolster the university’s recognition and impact in the four challenge areas of Climate Solutions, Sustainable Food Systems, Reimagining the Land-grant University and Emerging Health Threats."

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